Can you feel the tides of change from Leo's month of sun and fun to Virgo's need for well-being and practicality? This Virgo mutable Earth energy helps us arrive home ready to move forward into autumn and a desire to organise our lives. This lunar cycle is about our health, daily routines and how we can be in devotion.
Virgo's planetary ruler is Mercury, the planet of the intellect and perception. Some of its gifts are analysis, practicality, precision, and making order out of chaos. Please note anxiety, hypochondria, over-analysis, and perfectionism can arise if we are not careful. Although Mercury is no longer retrograde, it has come to a standstill, so themes around communication and local travel may feel restrictive and slower than usual, at least until the end of the week, when it will feel like full steam ahead. So, take advantage of this standstill and give yourself permission to pause and make a plan.
As this archetype is cerebral, you may be overthinking, engaging with your inner critic, "shoulding", and judging yourself, which may spill onto others. Look out for this tendency and see if you can catch yourself when self-sabotaging.
If you obsess about the details and tend to worry, Getting out into nature and looking up at the sky or a vast expanse of water is an excellent way to change perspective. Essentially, it is any practice that reminds you that you are not alone and that you are a part of nature. Or maybe try a yoga class?
Virgo also rules our kidneys and intestines similarly; in traditional Chinese medicine, late summer is associated with the stomach meridian and the emotion of worry. We can consider this wisdom when we step on our yoga mat. Always practice being present and moving with purpose, using our breath as the anchor. There is no place for worry when we are present and grounded in our physical body. With this in mind, the following yoga asanas(poses) will be helpful (target hip flexors, belly and quads) to improve energy flow, embodiment and empowerment:
Longer holds in the Warrior poses (Virabhadrasana I, II, III), Revolved Side-Angle (Parvritta Parsvakonasana), Reclined Hero's Pose (Supta Virasana), Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Cobra (Bhujangasana), Locust (Salabasana), Upward facing Dog (Urdhva Svanasana), Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) and Supine Spinal Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana) and Corpse Pose (Savasana).
Yoga is a perfect way to help digest food, thoughts and emotions, so it's a boon for anyone with digestive issues or whose nervous system is feeling fried.
Here are some Virgo-themed considerations that you may like to use for journal prompts or to contemplate:
How can we purify our thoughts? Our body? Our mind?
What needs organising?
How can we bring order to the chaos?
Where has our health suffered? Can we reintroduce some healthier routines?
Where do we need more simplicity?
We may have effective and efficient systems and routines in one part of life and complete disarray in another. Can we set aside some time to tidy up, eliminate the clutter and make a new plan?
When we embody a high-vibration Virgo energy, we are the Earth Angels—devoted to our heart-felt calling, here to help and share. The other side of the spectrum is judging and complaining about ourselves, others and our daily duties - Watch out for playing the Martyr. If you can catch yourself in this low-vibe version, pat yourself on the back, hit the pause button and reframe with a positive inner dialogue. Can you flip the focus to the attitudes of love, thank and praise yourself for all the little daily tasks you complete?
By integrating one of these attitudes daily, we can look for the sacred in daily tasks and bring more reverence and ritual into the mundane.
The three days on either side of this new moon will offer you time to reflect on and analyse what has worked so far, giving you a clearer perception of what needs to change and, perhaps, be released.
If you are unsure about what new moon intentions to set, consider practising one of the Yamas and Niyamas (see below) each day for this lunar cycle and then for the next six months until the Full Moon in Virgo!
In yoga, we practice the Yamas(Moral codes) on and off our yoga mat:
Ahimsa (non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds) -Be Kind
Satya (Truthfulness) - Speak from your heart
Asteya (non-stealing in thoughts, words and deeds) - Be generous and be on time.
Brahmarcharya (Moderation) - the right use of your energy.
Aparigraha (non-possessiveness) - let go of what doesn't serve you.
And the Ni Yamas(Observances):
Saucha (Cleanliness)
Santosha (Contentment)
Tapas (Self-discipline)
Swadhyaya (Self-study)
Ishvara Pranidhana (self surrender)
This is a wonderful preparation for the full moon partial lunar eclipse in 25°40' Pisces on 18th September, which will undoubtedly be emotionally charged. It will offer universal love and compassion as the soothing balm to completing projects and endings. We need to surrender.

Depending on where 11°4' Virgo is in your natal chart, it will reveal where you can embody your inner Earth Angel, organise the chaos, release bad habits and bring more health and selfless service into your world.
To summarise, give yourself full permission to be your inner cheerleader this season. Remind yourself that you have all the qualities of the Yamas and Ni Yamas inside. Remember that you have the mental power to transform your inner dialogue to inspire and engage in the world with kindness, generosity, discipline to change what you can, and wisdom to discern what you can't
New Moon Tidings!
Trish x
PS - If you need some Me Time this month and are feeling called to the magical island of Ibiza, we have one room available at our forthcoming Awaken Your Inner Power Retreat, Ibiza, 21st-25th September 2024 - Contact me, Fleur or Lucia directly if you'd like more information. xx